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Chapter 414 Glory Beyond The Hole:>>Ep18

  • After a few moments of this, we were both unbearably aroused. We needed more than this. Michele was the first to articulate her desires, "I need you inside of me Rose. Please, I need you to need my body!" she moaned around my nipple.
  • "I want you so badly," I said, in an uncontrolled squeal of desire. I pushed myself off the wall now and Michele slinked back away from me. I gave her a gentle nudge. She tripped over a loose shoe in the middle of the room and giggled as she fell backwards onto her bed. She landed on her back, her large breasts jiggling up towards her neck. I saw the bright slash of her smile. Her legs spread wide as she fell and her hard, girly cock stood up from her body. I'd never seen a person look more beautiful. As she settled onto the bed she bit her lip and gave me a sultry look that made my knees feel weak and my cock ache.
  • "Come and take me Rose," she said hooking her little index finger, "There is lube in the bedside table," she said. She started to gently rub her breasts with her hands. I almost didn't want to look away. It was fun to find someone sexy and have them act sexy around me. But I wanted more. I walked over next to the table and crouched down. I opened up her bedside cabinet and several long dildos clattered out onto the floor.
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